Saturday, November 11, 2006

Chinese dragons in Chinese culture-- Chinese characters of “Dragon”(1)

a. the shapes of old Chinese characters which means “Dragon” is just like a dragon!

(The picture on the right )Some of old Chinese characters’ shapes are like dragons’ heads and horns, and mouths, bodies and tails.

(The picture on the left)The left sides of some old Chinese characters’ shapes are like dragon’s heads and horns, mouths, bodies and tails. And the right side of the words are like backs and fins.

b. The words means “dragon” in Chinese calligraphy masterpieces
Calligraphy is our traditional writing art. We use a writing brush and ink to write beautiful Chinese words!
Wang Hsi-Chih, Du Fu, and Wang Hsi-Chih were all very famous calligraphers.
Do you think the shapes of the words are like dragons?

The word is written by Wang Hsi-Chih

The word is written by Du Fu.

The word is written by Wang Hsi-Chih.

Chinese dragons in Chinese culture-- Chinese characters of “Dragon”(2)

These are the Chinese idioms:

sheng long huo hu
(Lvely dragon and active tiger )
The idiom is used to describe an energetic man .

Long sheng jiu zi
(The dragon has nine sons)
The idiom means each person has his strong points.

(Dragon and phoenix’s wings)
Long han feng yi
The idiom is used to describe an outstanding talented person.

Chinese dragons in Chinese culture--The people born in the year of Dragon

The dragon is a symbol of power and good luck in Chinese culture. It is one of the most popular signs in Chinese art. Besides, dragons are so important that in Chinese Zodiac, we have the year of Dragon! (We also have the years of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Dog, and Pig! )

The people born in the year of dragon go out of their way to help their friends, who often ask then for advice. The people born in the year of dragon is outgoing and like to get along with many types of people. The Dragon person is self confident and compulsive and consequently does not always listen to the others’ advice. The dragon people are also perfectionists and they set high standards for themselves. Although they are strong and decisive, the people born in the year of Dragon are not manipulative or sly. He enjoys being like an emperor, and solve the problems bravely.

The years of dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.
Photo resource from

Chinese dragons in Chinese culture-- appliances

In ancient China, the emperor think they are the real dragons and the sons of heaven, so dragon figures are frequently used in the royal appliances, such as plates with decorative designs of dragons, flask with dragon figures, basin or bronze vessels with dragon motif…etc.. And only the emperor’s dresses can have the figures of dragon. In those days, dragon represented the absolute power of a nation. After Ming and Qing Dynasty, the emperor's clan stipulated five fingernails are the dragons, other fingernail numbers are not the dragons, allow the common people be able to use the dragon grain.

Nowadays, dragon is taken as a symbol of good luck and blessing, so there are bracelets or rings with dragon figures, and buckles with the shape of dragonhead. Dragon figures also appear on the closes, chopsticks, wallets, and handkerchiefs, especially in male appliances.
The dragon also is the propitious symbol, the dragon and phoenix chart is often seen on the wedding ceremony cake box design, and it is popular to use the picture of the dragon flying, the phoenix dancing on Chinese type wedding invitation cards, which represents the blessing and happiness for the new couples!

(The Chinese wedding cakes and the box)

Chinese dragons in Chinese culture-- holidays

In Chinese culture dragons are very important so in some festival we use some symbol of dragons. For example, on Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth Chinese lunar month) we have dragon boat racing, it has today become the highlight of all the festivities held during Dragon Boat Festival. When the race begins, all we can see are the rowers of each team driving their boats forward and in the boat one person beats drums. The winning team is the one that first grabs the flag at the end of the river. The energy and excitement of the race attracts thousands of spectators, who watch from the river bank cheering on their favorite team. In Chinese New Year we have Dragon Dance, rarely seen in western exhibitions, with two troupes of dancers twirl the dragons. In these festivals we can see why and how the dragons are important to us.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A place for creating your dragon story !

Please go to
This is the blog for you all to post all your stories about dragons!
You can log in the blog with the same username and password!
We've already had the story from Italy.
Welcome everyone to read their story!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Korean dragons

Park jae young: The korean thought about dragons is similar to china's, since it 's from a mix of the original korean thought and china's.
A phyton means a giant boa, a huge snake that lives in the water after failing to become a dragon.
In korea, A phyton means someone who doesn't succeed in life because of a special reason even though they tried to succeed. A phyton has two magical senses. One is making rains and the other is taking the shape of human.

Han soo nyong : The Korean dragon is different from a western dragon.
The differences are color and shape. Korean dragon’s color is usually green or red but Western dragon’s color is usually blue . The Korean dragon’s shape is very meandering and delicate. But the western dragon’s shape is very fantastic
According to my survey I think Korean dragon and Western dragon is very difficult but the same things are the legendary animal.

Lee tak gye : korea's dragon is a symbol of strong power. people beileived dragon is sky's animal.!

Kim min jae : From ancient times, dragon obeyed the water god.
When drought came, farmers prayed for rains
The dragon's figure is majesty and bright, so it is used to represent the king's power.
At present, dragon is symbol that protect our country and prosperity our nation.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Four kinds of Chinese dragons

China dragons are called as "Lung" in Chinese.
There are four main kinds of Lung.

1. The Celestial Dragon (Tien-lung) (the first picture)
The Celestial Dragon protects the places where the Gods live
2. The Spiritual Dragon (Shen-Lung) (the second picture)
The Spiritual Dragon can control the wind and the rain.

3. The Earth Dragon (Ti-Lung)
The Earth Dragon can control rivers, and water on the Earth

4. The Underworld Dragon (Fut's-Lung)
The Underworld Dragon's job is to guard precious treasure like metals and gems.

Sorry! We can't find the pictures of the Earth dragon and the Underworld dragon!

It seems that Chinese dragons indeed bring us fortune and luck.

Extra information about the four dragons
1. Celestial Dragons (Guardians): They protect the heavens, supporting the mansions of the gods and shielding them from decay. Only these dragons and their earthly likenesses on the imperial regalia had 5 claws. All other dragons had only 3 or 4.
2. Spiritual Dragons (Weathermakers): Floating across the sky, a changeable blue in color, spiritual dragons governed the wind, clouds and rain on which life has always depended. The Chinese took care to appease them, for if these weathermakers grew angry or neglectful, the result was certain disaster.
3. Earth Dragons (River Lords): Earth dragons determined the course of rivers, regulated their flow and maintained their banks. Every river in China had it's own earth - dragon king, who held sway over the waters from a palace far beneath the surface.
4. Underground Dragons (Treasure Keepers): These dragons were in charge of all the precious jewels and metals buried in the earth. Each of these dragons bore an enormous pearl that was reputed to multiply whatever it touched, the pearl symbolized another hidden treasure - wisdom.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

More about Western Dragons (USA)

Hello to all, including our new friends from Italy! We have more to say about the way Western dragons look and where they live. See if you can tell the name of each dragon in the pictures. The Amhuluk dragon is not pictured.
We loved your comments and have sent some of our own. Check your introductory letters or last week's comments on our paragraphs about dragons. Thank you!

Amanda: The Amhuluk dragon interests me the most. This dragon lives in Oregon, in North America. The Amhuluk is a sea serpent, and they like to catch anything living and drown it for no reason. Amhuluks live near the Forked Mountains. These dragons are very powerful and will do anything to drown someone or something.

Lauryn: I am going to tell you about the Chimera dragon. The Chimera dragon has dragon wings, a lion and goat head, and sometimes has three heads. His head is orange and his wings are black whether or not they have wings. Long ago, this particular dragon destroyed the town of Livvelia and for years he stole the king’s riches. The villagers chased him away and he vanished. They say he lives on mountaintops still over looking the town. This is my favorite dragon. What is yours?

Trevor: One dragon that interests me the most is the Worm Serpent. The Worm Serpent looks like a huge snake with a dragon’s head. He has two horns and a very short beard. The worm serpent also doesn’t have wings or joints. This dragon is found in woody areas or near and even in the wells. What dragon interests you the most?

Ryan: One kind of dragon that I liked was the Air Dragon. It can be found in many different habitats. They are one of the dragons that can fly. The Air Dragon can be found on high mountain tops. I never knew how cool Western dragons really are to learn about.

Matt: The Western dragon has a spiked or spade tail. The Western dragon has a thick long body, scaly skin, 4 strong legs, two long bat-like wings, wedge-shaped heads or heads, and long neck. The Western dragon also breathes fire. Does the Chinese dragon breath fire?

Eric: The Wyvern dragon has two legs and a very powerful wing with a long serpentine tail.This dragon is now portrayed as a pest. They live up in the mountains. They are vicious predators to tons of animals. We would be lucky enough to see one.

Tommy: One dragon that interests me the most is the heraldic dragon. It is probably the most well-known dragon. It has razor sharp claws and teeth. It also has 4 legs (no arms). All of the legs have claws. It also has a ridged spine going down its back (head to tail tip). These are a few facts on my favorite dragon (Heraldic dragon).

Friday, November 03, 2006

Western Dragons(USA)

Please read what we have discovered about Western dragons. Do you want to comment or would you like to tell us more about Chinese dragons? We would like to read what you have to say! Thank you.

Lauryn: The Western dragon has six senses. They can hear, taste, see, feel, and they can smell. Their amazing sixth sense is to be able to “read” other beings feelings. The word read means they’re able to tell what another living thing is feeling. If I were able to read living things, I would never be in trouble or make people mad. I wonder how dragons are so disliked if they can read your feelings. Anyway, I thought this was a cool fact about the Western Dragon!

Trevor: The thing that interests me the most is how Western dragons know how to separate gold, silver, and jewels. I thought they just put it into a monstrous pile and sit on top of it so nobody could steal it. I didn’t think their brains were as evolved as ours or even smarter!

Amanda: The most interesting fact about the Western dragon was about the babies. The name that they are called as a baby is the wyrmling. As soon as they hatch out of their eggs, if they eat the white part of it and they are still hungry, they will attack younger siblings. If the parents still aren’t there, they could get away with a lot especially if they are the oldest. Dragons are a fascinating species to learn about.

Tommy: The Western Heraldic Dragon is the more widespread classical-shaped dragon. It is often a huge beast with frightening teeth and claws. They walk with all four feet all of their lives.

Matthew: The thing that interests me the most about the Western Dragon is that it lives 1,200 human years. I thought a dragon only lived 100 to 200 years.

Eric: Some Western water dragons are aquatic and some are amphibious. Some live near water like serpents and some live near mountains like the more classical dragons. Swamps provide homes for various small and squat type dragons. My favorite mythical water dragon is the Loch Ness Monster.

Ryan: One kind of serpent is the worm serpent. It has a large dragon-like head with two horns, it has a beard, and it looks like a giant snake. Also they don’t have any wings so they can not fly. But they do live deep under the water. They also live near the water and in some wells.

Kristin: Most people believe dragons are nothing but animals in fairytales. Some have other thoughts. Dragons used to be seen everywhere. They could be in the sky, the sea, and the ground. Now people just about never see them. They have never been seen in North America, Australia, the Pacific Isles, or Southern Africa. Even though some are supposed to bring long life, good fortune and happiness.
The Guivre and the Amphiptere are kind of creepy to me.

Dragon Pictures(USA)

We looked at the dragon pictures that you posted. Here are our thoughts.

Dragon 1
I think the two dragons in this picture are fighting.
Dragon 2
This picture is odd because it has a lot red in it.
Dragon 3
I think the dragon is hungry and he’s trying to bite his tail.
Dragon 4
This dragon confuses me to because I don’t know what he is doing.

Lauryn: I think that the dragons in the first picture are fighting. I think this because they look mad and they’re facing each other in a monstrous way. This also looks mystical.

The second picture hurts my eyes. There is too much red clashing together. There are too many lines.

The third one is just looking funny. He also looks like he is yelling.

The fourth one looks like he is trying to destroy a jewel that is important and holds the faith of their land. He looks like he is furious. I think he is the dragon king.

Tommy: The dragons in the smoky, cloudy, sky look like they’re fighting. The next one looks like it’s popping out of a flower. The third one is breathing fire, and the last one is is roaring, shooting lightning, or something, but that’s what I think.

Eric: Number 1 looks like the two dragons are fighting over some thing, just like my brother and me.

Ryan: I think the dragons in the picture number one are flying away from each other because they are trying to fight each other. The dragon in picture two is popping out of a big flower. The dragon in picture three is trying to burn it self by throwing out a lot of fire. The last one is trying to break open a walnut with lighting.

Matthew: I think the first dragon is fighting. I think the second dragon is hatching out of his egg. The third dragon is blowing fire. I think the fourth dragon has weird things coming out of him.

Amanda: I think that the first picture is a dragon under the night’s sky in water.
The second picture looks like it is a dragon confused.
The third picture looks just like a dragon blowing fire on itself because he is mad.
I think the last dragon is tangled up in some kind of net. I think this because it is breathing fire to get his head out of the net.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I think.....(Taiwan)

  • (Annie, Jason)I think the 1st dragons look like that they are fighting.

  • (Cindy) I think the 2nd dragon is flying.

  • (Cindy) I think the 3rd dragon is looking around.
  • (Cindy) I think the dragon is roaring.

What do you think the dragons in the pictures are doing? Tell us what you think! Thank you!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The basic infomation about Chinese dragons(Taiwan)

( Wendy)
The dragon is the ancient to the fish, the alligator, the snake, the pig, the horse, animal and so on cow, with the fog, the thunder and lightning, one kind of sacred animal which the rainbow and so on the natural celestial phenomenon fuzzy set produces. The dragon image "three stops nine resembles", " three stops " is refers to ' from head to the upper body, form the upper body to the waist, ' from waist to the rear part are equally long ;" Nine resembles "is refers to" the angle to like the deer, the head resembles the camel, the eye resembles the rabbit, the item resembles the snake, the abdomen resembles the big clam, the large male deer resembles the fish, the fingernail resembles the hawk, the palm resembles the tiger, the ear resembles cow "..
The Chinese calls self for dragon teaching other people, in daily life common dragon image, like temple construction decoration, folk custom celebration dragon dance, even is the daily life appliance pattern.
From the Yellow Emperor time, the dragon becomes the Chinese nation the symbol, but from the B.C. three the beginning of centuries, Han Dynasty Emperor Liu Bang takes the dragon emperor's symbol.
The dragon is governs the water in the folklore the god, can incur the cloud to rain, also can surrender the monster.
Sources from

What Chinese Dragons Look Like(Taiwan)

People said dragons looks like nine animals.
(Click on the photo, you can see it more clearly)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hi! I'm Soonyung Han.(South Korea)

Hello, everyone. nice to meet you.
I visited this blog because of my English teacher's suggestion.
I'm from South Korea. My name is Soo-nyung Han and my English name is Cindy. I'm a 6th grader in Ochi elemantary school. I'm a girl.
There are 3 members in my family; my daddy, my mommy and me. I'm only child so I feel little bit lonely.

I'm interested in English so my English teacher suggested me join this activity. I think this blog is very exciting. I like society and English. What's your favoriter subject?

When I grow up, I want to be a management consultant, what do you want to be?

I want to become your friend.

Hi! I'm Minjae Kim.(South Korea)

Hi, nice to meet you. My first name is Min-je and my last name is Kim. I want to introduce myself to you.
There are four members in my family; my dad, mom, my younger brother and me. My dad is an officer. He works in the office. My mom is a housewife. My younger brother is Kim min-soo. He is a third grader and go to Ochi elementary school. I'm a sixth grader and go to Ochi elementary school like my younger brother.
There is something fun about me at school. I'm sixth grader, and sixth class, and My student number is six in our class. isn't it fun?
My hobby is writing a story. When I was ten, I wrote a story. My friends and family read it. when they finished reading, they said to me. "Min-je, you are a good story writer. I love this story." I'm so happy when I heard their commet. I even felt like flying in the sky! .
I want to meet new friends and new information about dragon in this blog.

Hi! I'm Takhyu Lee(South Korea)


Let me intoucuse myself. My name is takgyu Lee.
I'm 11years old. There are 4 members in my family;
father mother older sister and me.
Oh! I have another familiy member.
It is my dog. It's name is ccameo
Whenever I cry my dog comes and
licks my tears. I love my family and dog..
My hobby is baduk, it is Asian chess. It's very interesting.

Hi! I'm Jaeyoung Park.(South Korea)

Hi, My name is Jae-Young Park, and English name is Ford.

I'm in Gwangju, Korea. I'm 13 years old and my hobby is playing basketball and read books.

I have 4 members in my family; Father, Mother, younger brother and me.

If I join this Dragon activity, I'll be able to know about different cultures, especially dragons.

I want to see many kinds of Dragon's legend and I also want to show you Korea Dragon's legend.

I hope this dragon blog becomes more popular and informative.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Io sono Alfredo (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Dragons' legends

Buongiorno, io sono Alfredo. I am Alfredo.
I live in Preggio, Umbria, centre of Italy.
I am a boy. My father Sandro is Italian, my mother Alexandra is Polish. My grandfather is nonno Riccardo, my grandmothers are nonna Marianna and nonna Enrica. I also have an older sister, her name’s Marianna; she’s attending the Middle School “Mavarelli – Pascoli” in Umbertide (first year).

My favourite game is the Play Station 2; I also like riding my bike and my go-kart.
I am not afraid about dragons, even if in Europe they are not considered as good animals.
My favourite animals are the cat, the dog and the lion. What about yours?

Good bye to you all from Alfredo.

Ciao Ciao da Chiara! (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Dragons' legends

I live in Preggio in the Umbria Region, centre of Italy.

There are eight people in my family: my father Massimo, my mother Simona, my sister Sara, my aunt Monica, my uncle Davide, my aunt Lilly, my uncle Franco and I.

I like to go to school, my favourite subject is mathematics.
I like also to use the computer for drawing and coloring. I can use the computer at school and at home too. Do you like computers?
My favourite colour is fucsia. What abou you? What are your favourite colours?

I am very glad to meet you. Thank you for your friendship.
Bye bye da Chiara.

I am Giorgia (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Dragons' legends
Ciao, I am Giorgia and I am five and a half years old.

I live in Preggio, on a green hill in the province of Perugia.
There are 7 people in my family: my father Davide, my mother Monica, my aunt Simona, my uncle Massimo, my grandmother Marisa and my grandfather Liborio and I. Vinci, Palma and Mauro are also my grandparents.

I like to play with my doll Barbie in the Castle. I like also to watch and to observe wild boars and dogs living and walking in our area.

I am very very pleased to meet you!

Ciao a tutti da Giorgia.

Ciao a tutti! I am Michela (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Dragons' legends

Buon giorno! Good morning!

I am Michela and I am eight years old.

I live in Preggio, in the Municipality of Umbertide, in the province of Perugia, Umbria region, Italy.

I am in the Classe terza at Preggio Mountain Single ‘Pluriclass’ Primary School, 632 metres above the sea level. We are nine pupils in the school: Chiara, Giorgia, Alfredo, Myrijam, Giulia, Martina, Michela, Maicol and Alessandro.

There are five people in my family: my mother Giovanna, my father Nicola, my uncle Tonino, my cousin Angelo and I.

My favourite activity is playing with my doll and I also like travelling by ship to Sardinia, my parents’ region.

Ciao e alla prossima!

Ciao! I am Maicol (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)


My name is Maicol and I am eight years old.
I am an Italian child and I live in Preggio, a small village located in the countryside, in the Municipality of Umbertide, province of Perugia, Umbria Region, Italy.

This year, I am in the Classe Terza at Preggio Single Mountain ‘Pluriclass’ Primary School, 632 metres above the sea level; ‘pluriclass’ means only one class composed by pupils of various ages.

In my family there are six people: my father Marco, my mother Antonietta, my brother Christian, my sister Jessica, my grandmother Lidia and I.

My favourite sport id football and I like to spend my life with my friends in Preggio.

Once, I saw a dragon on Tv.

Ciao a tutti! - Maicol

Hi, my name is Martina! (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Ciao a tutti! Hello, everyone!

My name is Martina and I am 9 years old.

I am Italian and I am a girl. I live in Preggio, a village located in the province of Perugia, Umbria region, Italy.

This year, I am the Classe terza together with Giulia, Michela and Maicol.
My school is a mountain Primary school because it is based on a green and beautiful area, 632 metres above the sea level. Here you can find and see various animals: boars, horses, porcupines, wolves, sheep, hawks.

In my family there are six people; my father, my mother, my brother, my uncle and I.

My favourite activity is playing volleyball with my friends; in addition, I like living here very much.

I don’t know much about dragons but I will learn more this year together with Taiwanese and American students.

Thanks to you all!


Ciao, I am Giulia! (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Ciao a tutti! Hello, everyone!

I am Giulia, eight years old.

I am an Italian child and I live in Preggio, a small village in the Municipality of Umbertide, Umbria region, Italy.

This year, I am in the Classe Terza at Preggio Primary School.

In my family there are five people: my father, my mother, my brother and I.

My favourite sport is playing volleyball with my friends.

I don’t know much about dragons but I would like to learn more about them.

Tanti saluti – Best greetings,


Hi, my name is Alessandro! (Preggio, Umbria, Italy)

Good morning, everyone!

My name’s Alessandro and I am 10 years old. I am a student at Preggio Mountain Single ‘Pluriclass’ Primary School (Direzione Didattica Statale II Circolo “Giuseppe Di Vittorio”, Umbertide.
We are nine pupils (me, Giulia, Maicol, Martina, Michela, Myrijam, Alfredo, Chiara and Giorgia), one caretaker (Luciana) and four teachers (Daniela, Giovanna, Vittoria, Andrea).

This year I’m in the fifth grade and next year I will attend my first year at “Mavarelli – Pascoli” Middle School in Umbertide (Pg).

I live in Preggio with my family; there are three people in my family: my mother, my father and my sister. Preggio is a beautifull hill in the Municipality of Umbertide, in the province of Perugia, Umbria region, centre of Italy. Our village is located 632 metres above the sea level.
I like living here: in the morning, I go to school (this year, I’m the only pupil in the fifth grade); I have lunch at 1.15 p.m. After lunch, I like watching cartoons on TV. At about 2.30 p.m., I do my homework; at four o’clock, I go out and I play with my friends; we like riding our cross or mountain bikes, playing football, talking and having fun together.

Dragons are very interesting animals even if I think they don’t exist. Some years ago, I saw a Tv programme about Dragons. A group of researchers had discovered a particular kind of dragon’s skeleton.

Dear children, I’m very glad to know Taiwan “Mingde” Elementary School as well as American students and teachers.

Ciao a tutti e alla prossima! – Alessandro.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Beachwood Elementary Says Hello!

We finally are sending our picture to you. This was taken in front of our school building on October 25, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.

Hello, my name is Adam. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hello, my name is Adam. I live in New Jersey. I am an elementary school student. I am 10 years old. I have a Chinese name and it is Ai da Han. I am in a gifted program like you. I chose my Chinese name off of
I like the summer because I can do lots of sports like soccer, football, and baseball. I also like to hang out with friends. I am a little brother. I have one sister named Kelsey. She is 15 years old. I have two parents. I also have a dog named Chase.
I’m on a soccer team called Ajax. But it’s pronounced [eye-ax]. My team is undefeated. We’re in first place. I play Midfield, Defender, and Striker. I have a coach from England and he is really good.
Over the summer I have went to Six Flags [an amusement park.] It has roller coasters, ferris wheels
and a big beach. You’re probably wondering what a beach is? It is a section of land that half of is covered with water and the rest is covered in sand.
I’m wondering what Taiwan is like? I hope I learn more about it. Write back please.
Zai jian,

Hi, my name is Ashley. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi, my name is Ashley. I was born in 1995 and I am the first child in my family. In my family there is mom, dad, brother, and me. I have one pet, a dog. I live in Beachwood, N.J. My family is big soccer fans! I have soccer practice Monday and Thursday. I play right midfield and left defense. I like to score a lot!!!
In 5th grade you do a lot of interesting things. Some stuff is projects, Student Council, Chorus, and intramurals.My favorite is intramurals. What’s your favorite subject??
Over the summer I did a lot of fun things like go to Six Flags, the beach, and camp. My family owns a pretty big-sized camper! My camper is located in Cape May, NJ. In Cape May we went to the beach a lot! At the beach I saw dolphins and conch shells. It was really cool!!!
Talk to you soon,

Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! I’m in the 5th grade. In my spare time I like to read and hang out with my friends. Also I’m very good at tennis. I’ve been playing for three years. In addition I also play softball. My position is third base! I’m also in the gifted class.

In the summer I like to go swimming and playing outside games. In the winter I like to play in the snow and go skiing. I have six pets, three birds, one dog, one cat, and a guinea pig! This summer I went to the beach. It’s called Seaside Park, and I go to the board walk! A board walk is a long path with games where you can play games and win prizes and there are rides to ride!

I’m very intrigued that we can talk to each other! I can’t wait to here back from you!


Hello, my name is Katherine. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hello, my name is Katherine, but you can call me Kue tan.

Kue tan is my name is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I have this Chinese name because in my gifted and talented program we are studying China and their language. Your whole culture sounds very intelligent

My favorite books are Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. My favorite seasons are summer and winter. Summer is my favorite season because I get to visit my friends’ houses. Also, winter is my other favorite season because I can make snowmen. A snowman is when you make a man out of snow, but it does not come to life. I have heard that the Great Wall of China is beautiful. Can you tell me if it is, if you know?

We have many amusement parks. They are places with rides and food where you can have fun. Some of these amusement parks are named Six Flags Great Adventure and Disney World. There are many more of these amusement parks but it is almost impossible to name them all. My favorite part of going to an amusement park is the cotton candy. Hope to hear from you soon!
Zia jian,
Kue tan

Hi! My name is Clayton. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi! My name is Clayton (Shou-lie). I have read all of your letters and they were very interesting. In my class we are learning your culture and language. I notice how some of you included your interests. In my nice school, I like learning math and language. My favorite books are Dragons of Deltora, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. I also like Pendragon.
Currently in my class we are learning about China. It is fun to listen to what your culture is about. We have gone on a website called It lets you find out your Chinese name. That is where I got my Chinese name. I hope you have fun learning the American ways.
After school when I am done learning I love to play outside, go on the computer and play, and a lot of other stuff. I also read a lot when I am done doing everything else. Reading helps me relax. Usually on my weekends I go to the mall (a really big place to buy things and have fun), also I go get ice cream. On my vacations I go to theme parks (a big place filled with amusements, food, and other cool things). I think chatting together would be fun if we ever get the time.
Zai jian,

Hello, my name is Frank. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hello, my name is Frank. I am 11 years old. I was born in August. My favorite sport is football. I play linebacker. My favorite hobbies are swimming, skiing, and fishing. I rarely go skiing but I like it anyway. Swimming and going to the beach is very convenient because I have a pool and I live close to the beach. I love going out on my grandpa’s boat to fish.

I have 5 other people in my family with 6 including me. I have 2 sisters, my parents, and a brother. My ancestry is about ¾ Italian, 1/8 Czech, and 1/16 German. I’d love to learn the customs of your country.
Zia jian,

Hi, I'm Lauryn.(USA)

Hi, I’m Lauryn,

Ni Hao, I’m Lauryn and I’m very excited about talking to you guys online. I am the oldest in my family. I have a younger brother and sister. I also have a mom and a dad. Like most people, I live in a house. My hobbies are simple I love playing softball. My favorite position is short stop. I also love swimming in my pool on hot summer days when the water is refreshing.

When I grow up I want to be a doctor. My inspiration to become a doctor is my own doctor. Over the summer I worked with her and we had tons of fun! I often watch shows like “Discovery Channel” to learn more about my future job.

My dream is to live in California. I would die if I could live in Beverly Hills. I would also love to win the gold medal in bobsledding in the Winter Olympics.

My favorite animal is a polar bear. My whole family absolutely loves polar bears. They interest me because they are a lot different than most bears. For instance, polar bears live in the North Pole and most bears live in woods or in a zoo.

These are the most interesting aspects of my life and I hope you enjoyed learning about me as much as I enjoyed learning about you.


P.S. Xie Xie for reading!

Hi, my name is Mackenzie.(USA)

Hi, My name is Mackenzie. My Chinese name is Mu Kei Bei!!

You’re probably wondering why I have a Chinese name but we went on and we chose Chinese names. We did this because we are studying China this year! I am very excited!

I’m in fifth grade and I am ten years old. In my spare time I like to play outside or hang out with my friends. This summer I went to the Seaside Park beach, and swimming in my grandma’s pool. In addition there is a boardwalk by the beach. You’re probably wondering what a boardwalk is. It’s a long path that has rides and games. Awesome!!

I am also involved in a soccer team. We are called Liberty. I play striker which is center upfront. I score many goals and we are in first place. On the other hand I play softball and I play first base. Do you play a sport?

You are probably interested to read that I have ten siblings not including my parents!! But I am not poor! My mom works on the computer and my dad is the head football coach at High School South, a high school in New Jersey. For that reason they make a lot of money! Here are the names of the kids in my family: Luary, Kristeen, Chelsea, Cailyn, me Mackenzie, Bryan, Brendan, Reilly, Delanie, Donovan, and my mom and dad!

I was really interested to meet you!! I hope you feel the same about me!! Toodles!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Ni hao! My name is Ryan.(USA)

Ni hao! My name is Ryan. I am ten, but soon I will be 11. I am a middle child in my family. I’m in the fifth grade. During my free time I like to study multiplication facts. Also my favorite hobbies are playing soccer, football, playing video games. I play for the Ajax. My favorite video games are NFL Blitz Pro, wrestling, and Midnight Club Three. My favorite book is the Magic Tree House. My favorite season is winter because you get to play in the snow and with my friends. Finally we are learning about China and we have our own names like Rong-You Wang.

Ni Hao! I am Tommy.(USA)

Ni Hao! I am Tommy. I am studying Chinese language. I am 10 years old. I have some hobbies too! My hobbies are baseball, basketball, and swimming. I like video games, and TV! I have 10 pets. They are 2 dogs, 6 cats, 1 bird, and 1 frog!

I have a lot of friends. My favorite video game is halo 2 for Xbox. I also like Full auto for the Xbox 360.I recently got a new video game called One Piece Grand Battle. I have 1 older sister. Dragons are my favorite mythical beast. My favorite real animal is the dog. That is all for now.


Hi! My name is Eric.(USA)

Hi!!!!! My name is Eric. I am ten years old. I’m the oldest of three kids. My favorite hobby is skateboarding. My favorite trick on my skateboard is the one footed manual. My favorite skateboarder is Bam Margera. My favorite book author is Mary Pope Osborne. I also like to listen to Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, and Phish. I like to make funny videos with my video camera. Another hobby I like to do is making model cars. My favorite car is the Ferrari.

Hi, I'm Kristin.(USA)

Hello, I’m Kristin. I’m in 5th grade just like all of you! I just turned 10. I live with my mom and two older sisters. Sometimes I wish I could be the oldest but being youngest gets me all the intention.
I love school because that’s when I see my friends. My favorite things to do are draw, go on the computer, dance, and watch TV. I also talk a lot. I can also play the violin. Since I get good grades I’m in omni. With omni, violin, chorus, and dance I am always busy.
Most of the time I’m drawing because I want to be an artist when I’m older. If that doesn’t happen I’d like to be a teacher and sell things I make like my aunt. I would really love to live in Hawaii.
That is all about me. I love reading about you. I can’t wait to talk to you. Bye!

Hi, my name is Trevor!(USA)

Hello friend, my name is Trevor. I am ten years old. I’m the oldest out of three children and I live in New Jersey. I was born in the year of the pig. I have two very annoying brothers Cameron and Preston. My hobby is to play soccer in my spare time. My soccer team's name is the Ajax. I also like to read. My favorite book is Harry Potter. I also read Magic Tree House and the author is Mary Pope Osborn. My favorite season is winter because we get to give and get presents and I like to shovel out drive ways and make money. I also like to play video games. My favorite game is Need for Speed Underground.

Hi, I’m Amanda! (USA)

Hello, I am Amanda. I am fifth grader just like you! My favorite books that I have read so far are Nancy Drew Books and other ones too. A current book I am reading right now is Nancy Drew Pit of the Vipers; my dad had got it for me! One dad, I had read seven chapter books in seven hours, even a huge book of Nancy Drew. I think you can probably tell that the books I read are mostly Nancy Drew.

In my family I have a younger brother, an older sister, a mom, and a dad. I am the middle child. I am ten just like you and I am turning eleven on November 21st! Also, a lot my family’s birthdays are in November.

My hobbies are playing the flute, reading, riding my bike, going on the computer, and playing with my little brother. In school and home I am in many activities. In school I am in Band, Chorus, and am running to be on Student Council. Another thing I am in is Girl Scouts.

When I grow up I want to be a History or Science Teacher. The grade I would like to teach is High School, or grade 11th, that is in the school. If I change my mind and become something else later in life, I want to live in Washington or California.

This is all I can tell you now! I will save the rest of the stuff for my next blog. I can’t wait to learn more about you and your culture. So far I have learned a lot about all of you and already want to now more, well I got to go!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hi! My name is Sarena.

Hi!My name is Sarena wang.Iwant to introduce myself,I lived in New Zealand when I was seven, then I moved back to Taiwan,I am a New Zealand swimming champion, but my house is still at New Zeland, I am in Minde elemetary school, fifth grade fourth class,I'm eleven years old now and the most thing I like in this world is reading historys of dragons. I have tree peopele in my family,my dad , my mom and me. Oh! I have another family menber too! It is my pet lizard. The reason that I like lizards is beceuse that they look just like the dragons in the history.

Thank You Every one!


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hi, I'm Jason(Taiwan)

My name is Jason Jan. I was born in 1995 and I am the only child of my family. I am in the fifth grade of Mingde Elementary School.
Reading is my favorite pastime. During my free time I read some English fiction stories such as, “Harry Potter”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “Sherlock Holmes” and “Fairy Tales by Hans Anderson”. I also like to read scientific books, such as “ Magic School Bus” , In addition to English books, I also read Chinese storybooks ,because Chinese is my mother tongue.
Born in the cyber age, I learn to use the computer just as most of my classmates do. I use it to receive e-mails, surf the Internet ,and play games. Using different software, I learn to do lots of things , such as making flash, and creating a digital album . Because using the computer brings me lots of fun, I join a class that teaches us to edit films. Editing film is very interesting to me because I can arrange photos, add music, and burn it into a DVD. Sometimes, I chat with grandmother online by MSN, and in stead of Chinese, I use English to make this kind of communication easier and faster.
Summertime is my favorite season. I have gone swimming and diving in summer since I was five years old. I can swim by breaststroke, freestyle, and backstroke , and I can swim one kilometer at one time. I can do somersaults in the water. I like swimming because cool water refreshes my mind and makes me healthy.
I wish I could learn more about the dragon via this blog.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hi,I'm Cindy(Taiwan)

Hello!I am one of the lovely pretty girls from the 5th grade 2nd class.In our class everything is fine except the boys.My name is Cindy C-i-n-d-y not candy.Although I am not tall, but I can speak loudly and clearly.I am very interested in playing badmintion in spare time.I also like playing the piano.I have studied English for 7 years since I was in the kindergarten.
For me,dragon is fortuitous.

Hi, I'm Wendy(Taiwan)

Hello, everyone. My name is Wendy. I'm so glad to be here to introduce myself to you all .
I was born on January 17, 1996. I am 10 years old. There are five members in my family, my parents, two younger sisters, and myself. My dad is a medical doctor, my mom is a housewife, my younger sister and I are Mingde elementary school students, and my youngest sister is too young to go to school. We all care for each other very deeply. I can always count on their support whenever I come into any trouble.
I have plenty of hobbies out of school time, such as dancing, playing the piano, reading, swimming, and roller-skating. I have been learning dancing and playing the piano for about 5 years. NowI can dancing Chinese folk dance, ballet and tap dancing, and often play beautiful songs to entertain my frends and my family. In addition, I am very proud that I got the Doctor of Reading when I was in grade 2 and I just passed the 25-meter free style swimming test last summer . I have had a lot of fun from those exciting activities.

Hi,I'm Annie(Taiwan)

Hello!My name is Annie.I'm 10 years old an study in Mingde elementry school 5th grade 2nd class.I was born in Taipei, Taiwan.
I have two older sister;they are studying in the university of new south wales in Australia.
After kindergarten, I went to Australia for 3 years . It was a great experience that I ever had.
I like sport especially swimming and rope skipping.
I wish to learn more about dragons. For me, dragons are very mythical animal.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Welcome to dragons' world!

This is the place for you to write or draw anything about dragons.
Dragons are one of the most mysterious creatures around the world.
And they also exist in the legends of many cultures.
Are dragons good or evil?
Do they have great power?
What do they look like?
Welcome to share your ideas to us!