Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! I’m in the 5th grade. In my spare time I like to read and hang out with my friends. Also I’m very good at tennis. I’ve been playing for three years. In addition I also play softball. My position is third base! I’m also in the gifted class.

In the summer I like to go swimming and playing outside games. In the winter I like to play in the snow and go skiing. I have six pets, three birds, one dog, one cat, and a guinea pig! This summer I went to the beach. It’s called Seaside Park, and I go to the board walk! A board walk is a long path with games where you can play games and win prizes and there are rides to ride!

I’m very intrigued that we can talk to each other! I can’t wait to here back from you!


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