Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Beachwood Elementary Says Hello!

We finally are sending our picture to you. This was taken in front of our school building on October 25, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.

Hello, my name is Adam. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hello, my name is Adam. I live in New Jersey. I am an elementary school student. I am 10 years old. I have a Chinese name and it is Ai da Han. I am in a gifted program like you. I chose my Chinese name off of http://www.mandarintools.com/.
I like the summer because I can do lots of sports like soccer, football, and baseball. I also like to hang out with friends. I am a little brother. I have one sister named Kelsey. She is 15 years old. I have two parents. I also have a dog named Chase.
I’m on a soccer team called Ajax. But it’s pronounced [eye-ax]. My team is undefeated. We’re in first place. I play Midfield, Defender, and Striker. I have a coach from England and he is really good.
Over the summer I have went to Six Flags [an amusement park.] It has roller coasters, ferris wheels
and a big beach. You’re probably wondering what a beach is? It is a section of land that half of is covered with water and the rest is covered in sand.
I’m wondering what Taiwan is like? I hope I learn more about it. Write back please.
Zai jian,

Hi, my name is Ashley. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi, my name is Ashley. I was born in 1995 and I am the first child in my family. In my family there is mom, dad, brother, and me. I have one pet, a dog. I live in Beachwood, N.J. My family is big soccer fans! I have soccer practice Monday and Thursday. I play right midfield and left defense. I like to score a lot!!!
In 5th grade you do a lot of interesting things. Some stuff is projects, Student Council, Chorus, and intramurals.My favorite is intramurals. What’s your favorite subject??
Over the summer I did a lot of fun things like go to Six Flags, the beach, and camp. My family owns a pretty big-sized camper! My camper is located in Cape May, NJ. In Cape May we went to the beach a lot! At the beach I saw dolphins and conch shells. It was really cool!!!
Talk to you soon,

Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi everyone, my name is Valerie! I’m in the 5th grade. In my spare time I like to read and hang out with my friends. Also I’m very good at tennis. I’ve been playing for three years. In addition I also play softball. My position is third base! I’m also in the gifted class.

In the summer I like to go swimming and playing outside games. In the winter I like to play in the snow and go skiing. I have six pets, three birds, one dog, one cat, and a guinea pig! This summer I went to the beach. It’s called Seaside Park, and I go to the board walk! A board walk is a long path with games where you can play games and win prizes and there are rides to ride!

I’m very intrigued that we can talk to each other! I can’t wait to here back from you!


Hello, my name is Katherine. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hello, my name is Katherine, but you can call me Kue tan.

Kue tan is my name is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I have this Chinese name because in my gifted and talented program we are studying China and their language. Your whole culture sounds very intelligent

My favorite books are Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. My favorite seasons are summer and winter. Summer is my favorite season because I get to visit my friends’ houses. Also, winter is my other favorite season because I can make snowmen. A snowman is when you make a man out of snow, but it does not come to life. I have heard that the Great Wall of China is beautiful. Can you tell me if it is, if you know?

We have many amusement parks. They are places with rides and food where you can have fun. Some of these amusement parks are named Six Flags Great Adventure and Disney World. There are many more of these amusement parks but it is almost impossible to name them all. My favorite part of going to an amusement park is the cotton candy. Hope to hear from you soon!
Zia jian,
Kue tan

Hi! My name is Clayton. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hi! My name is Clayton (Shou-lie). I have read all of your letters and they were very interesting. In my class we are learning your culture and language. I notice how some of you included your interests. In my nice school, I like learning math and language. My favorite books are Dragons of Deltora, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. I also like Pendragon.
Currently in my class we are learning about China. It is fun to listen to what your culture is about. We have gone on a website called manderintools.com. It lets you find out your Chinese name. That is where I got my Chinese name. I hope you have fun learning the American ways.
After school when I am done learning I love to play outside, go on the computer and play, and a lot of other stuff. I also read a lot when I am done doing everything else. Reading helps me relax. Usually on my weekends I go to the mall (a really big place to buy things and have fun), also I go get ice cream. On my vacations I go to theme parks (a big place filled with amusements, food, and other cool things). I think chatting together would be fun if we ever get the time.
Zai jian,

Hello, my name is Frank. (Beachwood, NJ USA)

Hello, my name is Frank. I am 11 years old. I was born in August. My favorite sport is football. I play linebacker. My favorite hobbies are swimming, skiing, and fishing. I rarely go skiing but I like it anyway. Swimming and going to the beach is very convenient because I have a pool and I live close to the beach. I love going out on my grandpa’s boat to fish.

I have 5 other people in my family with 6 including me. I have 2 sisters, my parents, and a brother. My ancestry is about ¾ Italian, 1/8 Czech, and 1/16 German. I’d love to learn the customs of your country.
Zia jian,

Hi, I'm Lauryn.(USA)

Hi, I’m Lauryn,

Ni Hao, I’m Lauryn and I’m very excited about talking to you guys online. I am the oldest in my family. I have a younger brother and sister. I also have a mom and a dad. Like most people, I live in a house. My hobbies are simple I love playing softball. My favorite position is short stop. I also love swimming in my pool on hot summer days when the water is refreshing.

When I grow up I want to be a doctor. My inspiration to become a doctor is my own doctor. Over the summer I worked with her and we had tons of fun! I often watch shows like “Discovery Channel” to learn more about my future job.

My dream is to live in California. I would die if I could live in Beverly Hills. I would also love to win the gold medal in bobsledding in the Winter Olympics.

My favorite animal is a polar bear. My whole family absolutely loves polar bears. They interest me because they are a lot different than most bears. For instance, polar bears live in the North Pole and most bears live in woods or in a zoo.

These are the most interesting aspects of my life and I hope you enjoyed learning about me as much as I enjoyed learning about you.


P.S. Xie Xie for reading!

Hi, my name is Mackenzie.(USA)

Hi, My name is Mackenzie. My Chinese name is Mu Kei Bei!!

You’re probably wondering why I have a Chinese name but we went on http://www.manderintools.com/ and we chose Chinese names. We did this because we are studying China this year! I am very excited!

I’m in fifth grade and I am ten years old. In my spare time I like to play outside or hang out with my friends. This summer I went to the Seaside Park beach, and swimming in my grandma’s pool. In addition there is a boardwalk by the beach. You’re probably wondering what a boardwalk is. It’s a long path that has rides and games. Awesome!!

I am also involved in a soccer team. We are called Liberty. I play striker which is center upfront. I score many goals and we are in first place. On the other hand I play softball and I play first base. Do you play a sport?

You are probably interested to read that I have ten siblings not including my parents!! But I am not poor! My mom works on the computer and my dad is the head football coach at High School South, a high school in New Jersey. For that reason they make a lot of money! Here are the names of the kids in my family: Luary, Kristeen, Chelsea, Cailyn, me Mackenzie, Bryan, Brendan, Reilly, Delanie, Donovan, and my mom and dad!

I was really interested to meet you!! I hope you feel the same about me!! Toodles!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Ni hao! My name is Ryan.(USA)

Ni hao! My name is Ryan. I am ten, but soon I will be 11. I am a middle child in my family. I’m in the fifth grade. During my free time I like to study multiplication facts. Also my favorite hobbies are playing soccer, football, playing video games. I play for the Ajax. My favorite video games are NFL Blitz Pro, wrestling, and Midnight Club Three. My favorite book is the Magic Tree House. My favorite season is winter because you get to play in the snow and with my friends. Finally we are learning about China and we have our own names like Rong-You Wang.

Ni Hao! I am Tommy.(USA)

Ni Hao! I am Tommy. I am studying Chinese language. I am 10 years old. I have some hobbies too! My hobbies are baseball, basketball, and swimming. I like video games, and TV! I have 10 pets. They are 2 dogs, 6 cats, 1 bird, and 1 frog!

I have a lot of friends. My favorite video game is halo 2 for Xbox. I also like Full auto for the Xbox 360.I recently got a new video game called One Piece Grand Battle. I have 1 older sister. Dragons are my favorite mythical beast. My favorite real animal is the dog. That is all for now.


Hi! My name is Eric.(USA)

Hi!!!!! My name is Eric. I am ten years old. I’m the oldest of three kids. My favorite hobby is skateboarding. My favorite trick on my skateboard is the one footed manual. My favorite skateboarder is Bam Margera. My favorite book author is Mary Pope Osborne. I also like to listen to Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, and Phish. I like to make funny videos with my video camera. Another hobby I like to do is making model cars. My favorite car is the Ferrari.

Hi, I'm Kristin.(USA)

Hello, I’m Kristin. I’m in 5th grade just like all of you! I just turned 10. I live with my mom and two older sisters. Sometimes I wish I could be the oldest but being youngest gets me all the intention.
I love school because that’s when I see my friends. My favorite things to do are draw, go on the computer, dance, and watch TV. I also talk a lot. I can also play the violin. Since I get good grades I’m in omni. With omni, violin, chorus, and dance I am always busy.
Most of the time I’m drawing because I want to be an artist when I’m older. If that doesn’t happen I’d like to be a teacher and sell things I make like my aunt. I would really love to live in Hawaii.
That is all about me. I love reading about you. I can’t wait to talk to you. Bye!

Hi, my name is Trevor!(USA)

Hello friend, my name is Trevor. I am ten years old. I’m the oldest out of three children and I live in New Jersey. I was born in the year of the pig. I have two very annoying brothers Cameron and Preston. My hobby is to play soccer in my spare time. My soccer team's name is the Ajax. I also like to read. My favorite book is Harry Potter. I also read Magic Tree House and the author is Mary Pope Osborn. My favorite season is winter because we get to give and get presents and I like to shovel out drive ways and make money. I also like to play video games. My favorite game is Need for Speed Underground.

Hi, I’m Amanda! (USA)

Hello, I am Amanda. I am fifth grader just like you! My favorite books that I have read so far are Nancy Drew Books and other ones too. A current book I am reading right now is Nancy Drew Pit of the Vipers; my dad had got it for me! One dad, I had read seven chapter books in seven hours, even a huge book of Nancy Drew. I think you can probably tell that the books I read are mostly Nancy Drew.

In my family I have a younger brother, an older sister, a mom, and a dad. I am the middle child. I am ten just like you and I am turning eleven on November 21st! Also, a lot my family’s birthdays are in November.

My hobbies are playing the flute, reading, riding my bike, going on the computer, and playing with my little brother. In school and home I am in many activities. In school I am in Band, Chorus, and am running to be on Student Council. Another thing I am in is Girl Scouts.

When I grow up I want to be a History or Science Teacher. The grade I would like to teach is High School, or grade 11th, that is in the school. If I change my mind and become something else later in life, I want to live in Washington or California.

This is all I can tell you now! I will save the rest of the stuff for my next blog. I can’t wait to learn more about you and your culture. So far I have learned a lot about all of you and already want to now more, well I got to go!