Friday, November 03, 2006

Western Dragons(USA)

Please read what we have discovered about Western dragons. Do you want to comment or would you like to tell us more about Chinese dragons? We would like to read what you have to say! Thank you.

Lauryn: The Western dragon has six senses. They can hear, taste, see, feel, and they can smell. Their amazing sixth sense is to be able to “read” other beings feelings. The word read means they’re able to tell what another living thing is feeling. If I were able to read living things, I would never be in trouble or make people mad. I wonder how dragons are so disliked if they can read your feelings. Anyway, I thought this was a cool fact about the Western Dragon!

Trevor: The thing that interests me the most is how Western dragons know how to separate gold, silver, and jewels. I thought they just put it into a monstrous pile and sit on top of it so nobody could steal it. I didn’t think their brains were as evolved as ours or even smarter!

Amanda: The most interesting fact about the Western dragon was about the babies. The name that they are called as a baby is the wyrmling. As soon as they hatch out of their eggs, if they eat the white part of it and they are still hungry, they will attack younger siblings. If the parents still aren’t there, they could get away with a lot especially if they are the oldest. Dragons are a fascinating species to learn about.

Tommy: The Western Heraldic Dragon is the more widespread classical-shaped dragon. It is often a huge beast with frightening teeth and claws. They walk with all four feet all of their lives.

Matthew: The thing that interests me the most about the Western Dragon is that it lives 1,200 human years. I thought a dragon only lived 100 to 200 years.

Eric: Some Western water dragons are aquatic and some are amphibious. Some live near water like serpents and some live near mountains like the more classical dragons. Swamps provide homes for various small and squat type dragons. My favorite mythical water dragon is the Loch Ness Monster.

Ryan: One kind of serpent is the worm serpent. It has a large dragon-like head with two horns, it has a beard, and it looks like a giant snake. Also they don’t have any wings so they can not fly. But they do live deep under the water. They also live near the water and in some wells.

Kristin: Most people believe dragons are nothing but animals in fairytales. Some have other thoughts. Dragons used to be seen everywhere. They could be in the sky, the sea, and the ground. Now people just about never see them. They have never been seen in North America, Australia, the Pacific Isles, or Southern Africa. Even though some are supposed to bring long life, good fortune and happiness.
The Guivre and the Amphiptere are kind of creepy to me.


We are friends~ said...

To Eric
Chinese dragons live near water or river and some live near mountains they are like westen you think Loch Ness Monster exist? For me i dont think so.


We are friends~ said...

Hi Lauryn:

Thank you for you telling us Western dragon can reed other beings feeling. But I think Chinese dragons can't read people's mind. I know the Western dragon from TV movies and story books. Chinese dragons means lucky, and Western dragons look bad and evil.


We are friends~ said...

To Amanda:
I think the wyrmlings are very selfish, because when they hungry they will attack younger siblings. Chinese Dragon won't do that to their siblings. They are friendly and lucky animals!

We are friends~ said...
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We are friends~ said...

Dear Tevor and Tommy:
I'm very curious about how you find so much information about dragons.
I think that it is very fair to let a dragon seperate gold, silver, and jewels because it knows how much gold a person needs to have.
This is the first time I know that it walks with all four feet in its whole life. Since it has a pair of wing, I think, it should fly around all the time.

Jason Jan

We are friends~ said...

Dear Cindy,

Thanks so much for your comment but I still have one Question for you to answer. I am curious about your favorite dragon? My favorite dragon is the Chimera, which I am writing about in my next paragraph. I just want you to know that the Chimera is evil, but now he is gone.

P.S. I really want to learn more about your favorite things about China.

We are friends~ said...

Dear Wendy,
No, I don’t know a lot about Chinese dragons. Do you know a lot about Chinese Dragons? In my family I have a younger brother and one older sister, a mom and a dad. My favorite sport is tennis. I am just learning to play but I am already, feeling like I have been playing forever. Do you have a favorite sport? Could you tell me how you say “I had a great day!” in Chinese? Out of the whole year do you have a favorite holiday?

Zai Jian,

We are friends~ said...

Yes, Annie, I think the Loch Ness Monster is real. I think that because Scottish scientists have proof with videos. The information on this magnificent animal is not a lot. Zai jian!