Monday, August 28, 2006

Hi, I’m Amanda! (USA)

Hello, I am Amanda. I am fifth grader just like you! My favorite books that I have read so far are Nancy Drew Books and other ones too. A current book I am reading right now is Nancy Drew Pit of the Vipers; my dad had got it for me! One dad, I had read seven chapter books in seven hours, even a huge book of Nancy Drew. I think you can probably tell that the books I read are mostly Nancy Drew.

In my family I have a younger brother, an older sister, a mom, and a dad. I am the middle child. I am ten just like you and I am turning eleven on November 21st! Also, a lot my family’s birthdays are in November.

My hobbies are playing the flute, reading, riding my bike, going on the computer, and playing with my little brother. In school and home I am in many activities. In school I am in Band, Chorus, and am running to be on Student Council. Another thing I am in is Girl Scouts.

When I grow up I want to be a History or Science Teacher. The grade I would like to teach is High School, or grade 11th, that is in the school. If I change my mind and become something else later in life, I want to live in Washington or California.

This is all I can tell you now! I will save the rest of the stuff for my next blog. I can’t wait to learn more about you and your culture. So far I have learned a lot about all of you and already want to now more, well I got to go!

1 comment:

We are friends~ said...

Hi, my name is Wendy. I’m from Taiwan. I’m in fifth grade, too.
I think Chinese is a little hard, but it is very interesting.
I have two younger sisters and my parents in my family. I often play soccer with my sisters in my spare time. They are very good at soccer. And I also like to swim and listen to the music. I join the TV station. It is call Mingde E Chanel. And I am an English reporter.
Do you know Chinese dragons? I like Chinese dragons. I think they are very lucky and blessed.
And I’m nice to meet you, too.
